Financial Analysis

finan analysisFrom a basic profit and loss statement to a detailed summary of purchases over a period of time, FoodPro can provide many types of financial reports.

Comprehensive reports are provided for every level of a food service operation: individual dining units (Dining Hall, Cafe, Bakery Production Kitchen, etc), separate departments (Board, Retail, Kitchen Support), or for the operation as a whole.

Here are just a few of the reports that are available:

  • Location Cost Summary – a profit and loss statement
  • Transfer Cost Report – a summary of transfer costs for each location
  • Purchasing Recap – a detailed summary of past purchases generated using filter criteria
  • Location Meal Precost – a summary of costs per person, per meal in an easy to read grid format
  • Vendor Bid Exception and Price Change Reports – summaries listing items received at prices (or amounts) other than the agreed upon bid price as well as being able to track those differences over a period of time.



Food Management System